It is a fact that motorcyclists in South Carolina are more vulnerable to serious injuries than other motorists. Not only do riders have no physical protection that is provided with an enclosed vehicle, but they are also susceptible to being thrown for significant...
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Car Accidents
Who covers losses after a rental car accident?
Rental cars prove helpful in many situations. Besides their value to vacationers, those whose vehicles are undergoing repairs may find that booking a short-term rental offers travel solutions. Driving a rental car in South Carolina does come with the same...
Are there time limits on auto insurance claims?
Becoming the victim of a motor vehicle accident could lead to property damage and vehicle repair bills. Some may suffer from serious injuries that require immediate treatment and, possibly, extensive follow-up care. Accident victims in South Carolina might take solace...
The aftermath of a car crash: What to avoid
Motorists in South Carolina may experience a great deal of stress and shock in the aftermath of a traffic accident. But maintaining a calm head is needed to protect all parties from further harm and prepare them for the inevitable dealings with law enforcement and...
Uninsured drivers pose particular risks
It is illegal to drive a car in South Carolina with no liability insurance coverage to protect others against the costs of injuries and property damage. Current state law requires at least $25,000 in bodily injury and property damage coverage per person with a minimum...
What are the most common car crash injuries?
Were you injured in an auto accident in Columbia, South Carolina? Chances are that you could recover damages from the other driver's auto insurance company. First off, you will need to know the extent of your injuries so that whatever amount you seek in damages will...
Fractured femurs are serious injuries
One of the most common injuries in a South Carolina car accident is a fractured femur. While they may not sound harmful, a fractured femur can be much more dangerous than you think. In any event, it can lead to long rehabilitation and a drastic change in your life....
6 ways bikers can improve their visibility on the road
If you own a motorcycle, you already understand that bikes come with more safety risks than passenger vehicles. However, there is nothing quite like getting out and enjoying a ride on the open road. Fortunately, there are ways you can minimize some of the safety risks...
What happens if you’re in an accident with an uninsured driver?
It's your worst nightmare: you're involved in accident and the other driver has no insurance. You may think that you're out of luck and that you're going to have to fend for yourself to have your vehicle fixed and pay for your own medical bills.What you may not...