When a vehicle of any size strikes a pedestrian, the resulting injuries can be devastating. From broken bones and head trauma to spinal cord damage and paralysis, pedestrian injuries can become a lifelong struggle. In fact, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has noted that in 2019, a traffic crash killed a pedestrian every 85 minutes.
Tips for drivers
It is critical that drivers remember to always stay in control of the vehicle. Reducing the number of distracted drivers, impaired drivers and drowsy drivers from our South Carolina roads can have a dramatic impact on safety. Additionally, drivers must take care to slow down at intersections, carefully clear both vehicular and pedestrian traffic before turning, and pay special attention to various blind spots and visual distractions. Also, drivers should always follow the rules of the road by following warning signs, speed limits and stopping at crosswalks.
Tips for pedestrians
Pedestrians can also directly impact their safety when walking, jogging or crossing the street. It is wise to avoid any sort of distraction when walking near traffic. This means no texting, no eating snacks and no reading while walking. Pedestrians should wear bright clothing and attempt to make eye contact with drivers when crossing the street to ensure they are seen.
Safety is everyone’s responsibility
It is crucial to remember that the guarantee of safe travel does not fall on one group’s shoulders. Pedestrian accidents are not always the result of unsafe walking habits or distracted drivers. It is crucial that all parties remain aware of their surroundings and take care to prevent introducing unsafe factors into their unique traffic scenarios.